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Claro Education and Learning Centre-Lear

The different

learning styles

Visual, Auditory, and Kinaesthetic Learning Styles (VAK)


The three types of learning styles are based on the three main sensory receivers each human being possesses. They are visual, auditory and kinaesthetic learning styles. These styles are associated with each person’s manner of perceiving information. Some may possess all three styles and some only one. Tests are done which can determine these styles and thus learning can be adapted to suit that person’s style. A style can also be associated with a certain subject.


For example Art can obviously be associated with the visual style, whilst Music with the auditory style. Most children have a dominant style and this style can be used in conjunction with the other styles should the subject require a different approach. From a young age children may have only come in contact with one style, such as the visual style, due to kindergartens mostly focussing on pictures and art. When a child matures he is only then introduced to the kinaesthetic style by means of sport activities. Later in life they may be subjected to the auditory style through lectures and presentations. It is therefore very important to develop all three styles during the younger years in order to be able to study all subjects and alternate between the styles when it is required.


Auditory learning style:

People who have this style as their dominant style are those people who often talk to themselves out loud when reading or studying. Manners in which this style can be adapted to their education are the following:

  • Telling the learner what to expect from a lesson or test.

  • Asking the learner to repeat the expected outcomes back to you.

  • Encourage learners to ask questions about the lesson.

  • Have the learner explain to you how he completed the lesson.

  • Include auditory activities such as brainstorming sessions, group work and sing-alongs.

  • Include time for feedback after lessons or group sessions.

  • Music can also be introduced during learning periods.

  • Allow interaction between students such as explaining the work to one another and filling in the gaps with your expertise.


Visual learning style:

This style consists of two branches—linguistic and spatial.

Learners who possess the visual-linguistic style learn through the written word. When they read and write they are likely to remember the information more than they would have if it had been read out loud to them. They enjoy watching tutorials and directions on how to make or do something, rather than trying to figure it out themselves.

Learners who are visual-spatial perform well when learning with charts, videos, and visual stimulants. They remember information when they connect it to an image or a face. The following are manners in which to adapt this style to learning:

  • Visual aids, charts, maps, and illustrations are helpful.

  • Mind maps and use of colours are usefull when studying or taking notes

  • Have the learner write down information when auditory lessons take place.

  • Give learners hand-outs during lessons to improve the retaining of information.

  • When explaining something, have the learner draw an illustration or image as to better understand what is being explained.

  • When studying, use images and pictures to remember key concepts.

  • Have them perform or act out the information or topic.


Kinaesthetic learning style:

Learners learn by doing, touching or moving. When a learner needs to learn they do so by moving. They can either assemble something themselves to understand how it works, or move their hands, arms or legs when explaining something or having something explained to them. Learners often doodle when talking on a phone for example, or listening to a lecture. Movement allows for retaining of information. The following needs to be the focus when working with a learner who possesses this style:

  • Make use of activities that allow learners to move or walk around or make something with their hands.

  • Have them use highlighters during a lesson to encourage movement of the hands.

  • Have learners visualise difficult tasks.

  • Use appropriate music to stimulate movement.

  • Allow students to play games connected to the lesson topic to increase movement.

  • Have them rewrite or type information when studying.

  • Have learners frequently get up and move around for short periods of time.



Visual, Auditory, and Kinaesthetic Learning Styles

Whole Brain Learning

Blue (fact based), Green (organised), Yellow (imagination) and red (feeling based)

Multiple intelligences

Linguistic; Naturalistic; Logical-Mathematical; Musical; Bodily-Kinaesthetic; Spatial-Visual; Interpersonal & Intrapersonal

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