According to Howard Gardner’s theory, there are 8 intelligences. These intelligences are what make us who we are. We can either possess all 8 intelligences, or just possess a dominant few. These intelligences do however form a link to whole brain learning and the type of learning style one possesses. It is therefore essential to test all three areas in order to verify that tests were done correctly and that they all intertwine.
If a person, for example, shows preference to the visual learning style and the yellow quadrant of the whole brain model, chances are that one of the dominant intelligences will be the spacial intelligence or even the linguistic intelligence. The more quadrants and intelligences this person possesses, will in turn directly affect the learning style he prefers.
The 8 intelligences are the following:
Linguistic (very good at the written/spoken word and language; can remember and interpret meaning and explain ideas verbally and with the written word, understands the connection between communication and connotation)
Naturalistic (what we call nature-smart; can easily remember information pertaining to nature and ecological terms; usually excels in subjects or careers pertaining to the naturalistic)
Logical-Mathematical (what we call the logical thinker; can easily detect patterns, possesses mathematical reasoning, analysing of information comes naturally, performs scientific deductions and calculations, understands cause and effect)
Musical (what we call music-smart; has inherent musical skill, responsiveness, appreciation and usage of sound, appreciation of tone and metrical patterns)
Bodily-Kinaesthetic (what we call body-smart; good motor skills control, physical agility and good balance; has decent eye coordination)
Spatial-Visual (what we call picture-smart; graphic and three-dimensional perception; can interpret and create visual images; usually good imagination; can express himself in images or creation of visual explanations.)
Interpersonal (what we call people-smart; knows how other people feel; can relate to others; can interpret behaviour, body language and communication)
Intrapersonal (What we call self-smart; self-awareness, aware of personal thoughts and can be objective, can understand what role you play and what your relationship is to the world, can manage stress, thoughts, desires and goals)